Parul with her son, Noah, and husband Nate.

For years, Parul Patel has endured polycystic kidney disease and is in the end stages of renal failure. She needs a kidney transplant as soon as possible. A living donor would give her the best possible outcome by significantly reducing her wait time and increasing the chances of the donor’s kidney lasting the rest of her life.

Would you consider being tested as a potential donor or know someone who may?

Any person can be screened through a simple blood test and does not need to reside in North Carolina. Her insurance covers 100% of the donor’s testing, surgery, and post-operative care. The first step for potential donors is to contact her husband, Nate Goetz, at (919) 451-9637. He will provide you her date of birth which is needed to complete a simple medical questionnaire for the Duke Transplant Center, and answer any questions you may have. The Duke Transplant Center questionnaire can be accessed by clicking here.

Thank you for your kind consideration!